Before we really delved into the differences of what idealism and realism were, I was sure I was a realist. My entire life I’ve considered myself a pessimistic realist, and after the class discussion I’m sure that I classify under that. I don’t really know if I believe there is a perfect model of anything in the world but I don’t consider myself extremely unreligious. I affiliate with a religion, and believe it for the most part, but I don’t actively practice it. The part I could agree with in idealism is that we are dim copies of the divine, since I do believe in a divine. But I don’t believe that we need to be strive to become that perfect ideal throughout our lives because that means different things for each person. A persons “perfect,” may be another’s hell. I still get moved by things of beauty, like music (Angel by the Weeknd) or a movie (Harry Potter, any of them), books (Harry Potter, again, any of them), but I wouldn’t consider any of them perfect or near perfect. Perfect is such a stupid term because I don’t think anything encompasses perfect. I believe that our generation and basically the entire world overuses the word perfect. What I do think, is that the world could be a better place, and people could be better versions of themselves. But striving to be perfect is just a waste of time. Whatever you do, just be happy with it. As long as you’re not harming anyone, to each their own.
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